Wednesday, June 02, 2010

A new haircut

It is easy to be brought very quickly down to earth by your loved little ones. A couple of days ago I got my hair cut and coloured - a common thing for new mother who is still a dress size bigger that original and wearing her preggie jeans! Anyway, have gone for a short bob with a fringe which is a first for me. Alexa, upon seeing the new look for the first time immediately said - Willy Wonka! For those that have seen the Tim Burton version of Charlie and the Choco Factory you may recall the slightly copper and very straight wig that Johnny Depp wore - apparently a close comparison to my new do and not at all what I was trying for! Both kids love this movie which we have recorded and often request time watching it - Isobel's favourite is the squirrels and the idea of a little girl that gets what she wants, while Alexa has many many questions about all of it.

Alexa is growing up and starting to develop a sharp mind. She has learned that I do not appreciate the comment at dinner time "oh yuck", so instead will say "Mummy I like your other dinners better". She has lovely new red boots that she is very keen on, but initially I was reluctant for her to wear them to kindy. Ok she said, I am too tired to go to Kindy today, I need to stay at home and do what you are doing wearing my boots. Hmm not so sure about that one!


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