Alexa and Isobel attended their first bike-a-thon recently to raise money for the Milford Kindergarten. I had forgotten until just before the event that you were supposed to decorate your bike, so at the last minute David headed with girls and bikes in tow to the shops and purchased lots of balloons. It was held at Cambells Bay School - the school Alexa is likely to attend and only 10 minutes walk away. So David and the older girls went by car, while I walked up with buggy and Camryn. The first photo shows us all arriving at the bikeathon.
The girls had to cycle around a netball court marked out with cones. Alexa looked superb in her big bike and was the envy of some of her friends. Isobel also got a chance to bike around the course, although she had to put down her sausage and bread first. Alexa popped hers into her basket and was able to munch as she went.
There was a sausage sizzle, cup cakes and thankfully a the coffee guy for us adults! It was a blustery day so you will see in the background to Alexa's photo me holding a well wrapped Camryn who enjoyed being out in the wind and watching all the mayhem.
One photo shows Alexa with her two best friends Sophie and Olivia.
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