A new mode of transport
We have a shiny red car! Yes that's right. Thanks to Kirsty, who is working for the British Car Show, we have the lease for 6 months of a brand new Peugeot 1007. It's a red 2 door city car with 4 seats, the smallest back seat I've seen and novelty electric windows that slide back at the touch of a button. We've yet to take her out for a spin as we are waiting on a car seat, but will be very pleased this summer to have this new form of transport.
Meanwhile in Alexa's world she is pretty focused on two things at the moment - training Mum & Dad to pick her up when she is supposed to be going down for a sleep, and sucking/chewing to ease pressure from her gums. Both of which she gets plenty of practice at. David and I as new parents are still working at our technique - do we put her down and leave her to cry, do we go in as soon as she cries, or do we go in at intermittant intervals. Everyone we talk to has different thoughts, but all agree that at some point she has to learn to go to sleep by herself. unfortunately the process for her to learn this is painful - for her and us!
Dougal, who originally was due into London early June, has changed flights and is now coming over mid June. The great news is that Jamie, my other brother, has also decided to come for a visit. So very shortly both will be over saying Hello to London for the first time and meeting their little neice. We are all very excited by this, and just hope London does us proud by turning a corner and allowing summer to arrive.
So know what you mean about whether to pick them up and put them down when they cry, or leave them or go in at regular intervals! Completely don't know the answer to that one! The minute Ben responds to one he grows into something new and it doesn't work and oh my goodness don't babies have a will all of their own? They can cry for what seems like eternity.
Good luck!
Let me say though, it does get better! Benjamin goes down a treat in the evenings now and only cries for his daytime naps every now and again. Like this morning for example. I leave him and just go in every now and again. If he is in a state then I give him a cuddle. So we use all of the techniques!
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.
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