Friday, April 28, 2006

The 8 week milestone

I was always told that I will notice a huge difference in Alexa at 8 weeks and it seems this is true. She has decided she only needs one nightly feed and has begun a habit (this is the 8th day running) of going down at around 9pm, sleeping for 6 hours, awake at 3 or 4 for a good feed, then another good sleep for 3 hours waking around 7am as David is getting up for work. This is perfect timing as it gives David and I a chance to have dinner and catch up before I head to bed at 10 and get a good 5 hours sleep. It is remarkable the difference this makes and I am feeling refreshed each day.

We have had a busy week with a weigh-in on Monday to discover she’s tracking perfectly against her weight curve and is now 10pd & 10oz. It is amazing to me to think that some babies are born at this weight. We’ve also had her first Dr’s appointment & first immunisation – she is average height (56cm) and weight with a slightly large head (hmmm thanks Dad!). She has a good strong upper body and is able to hold her head up for periods of time – I put this down to her intense curiosity as she is constantly looking around, especially when in a new place.

Tuesday we attended Baby Yoga where we sat with about 10 other mum’s, sang songs and moved her limbs around, then did a few stretches ourselves. Alexa coped surprisingly well with all the activity and was wide eyed, staring at the other babies. I think she enjoys the singing although an hour was a bit much for her and she had fallen asleep in my arms by the end (perfect for the last 5 mins of relaxation!)

Just recently she has discovered her vocal chords for communication (no not just for wailing) and she is delighting us by making mewing and soft ahhhh noises in response to attention from us. Dad had a good session on Sunday with her responding to him with these lovely noises. It’s a wonderful addition to her gorgeous smile and makes her irresistible. Unfortunately she sometimes thinks that the middle of the night is the best time to show us her adorable smiles and begin communicating. It is very hard not to respond and encourage this midnight activity.


At 7:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!


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