Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Gran goes home... panic sets in

On Saturday we three waved (and some of us sobbed) goodbye to Alexa's Gran (Kirsten's mum Lynne). She has been with us for 5 weeks and has been absolutely wonderful to all three of us. I'm sure she was quite pleased to give up the sleep interrupted nights & daily bed making activity in return for nice quiet peaceful (albeit busy) farm life.

In her last week here, and David's first week returning to work, we fitted in quite a few firsts. The first lunch & public breastfeeding session at the Boiled Egg & Soldiers in Clapham, our first trip to the baby clinic (kind of like plunket where health visitor's are there for advice and you can have your baby weighed), Alexa's first train ride (she wasn't impressed, it wasn't as bumpy and noisy as her pram rides) and a day trip to Kew Gardens. All this helped me build up confidence to be out and about with pram &, at times, screaming infant.

Meanwhile Gran's return means that 'normal' life has begun. This means only two of us on night duties, and then just me for the larger part of the day being an "at home mum". No more passing Alexa to Gran while I jump into the shower or have a snooze. I am learning what I can and can't do with Alexa (e.g. can't fold washing one handed while holding her, but can put away dishes), as well as what is realistic in terms of what I can achieve in one day. Day 1 (Monday) didn't get off to a good start with only a 4 hour sleep during the night & then refusing to sleep in her cot during the day. By the time David got home, I was very happy to hand over a fractious infant to him & cook dinner instead. However today is a good day - she got lots of sleep & is sleeping as we speak allowing me a small chance to write letters and this blog. This afternoon I am going to pop her in the front pack so I can water the garden/give Alexa some fresh air and then we'll wander up the road to do a few chores.


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