Sunday, March 05, 2006

Is three donuts a day too many?

David, Lynne and I have really appreciated the food parcels delivered to our door over the last week. Still I do think we were pushed to our limit recently when Shaun and Kirsty arrived bearing a large box of Krispy Kreme donuts. They are of course best eaten fresh, and with Lynne being intolerant to wheat and gluten, it was up to David and I to tackle. I think a donut for morning tea, afternoon tea and dessert is probably the most I can manage in one day.

We'd like to thank all of you for the lovely gifts we have received. Alexa is a very lucky girl and now has some brighter colours (yes including pink!) in her wardrobe to choose from. In fact she now needs to invest in a larger wardrobe as her chest of drawers are currently full. She's also the proud owner of NINE pairs of shoes (Imelda in the making???!!!).

Jenny and Simon - the lullaby CD is being put to good use. This has been incorporated into her evening bedtime routine and saved David or I humming Frere Jacques over and over again. Alexa may not appreciate this repetition, but it was driving David nuts!


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