Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Three months

At three months Alexa has discovered, with much fascination, her hands. She can now focus at much closer range and for what seems like the first time has seen two interesting appendages that are connected to her. She spends ages lying on her back staring at her hands, waving them in front of her face and clasping and unclasping them. She has yet to develop hand-eye coordination and has not grasped the idea that she can use her hands to reach out and touch things, but she is starting to get there.
During this time her language has pretty much vacated and we only occasionally hear a ‘huh’. She does however communicate very animatedly with her mouth and tongue. These seem to work overtime as she stares at us and responds to our discussions by moving her mouth round.
She is certainly more aware now and as a result is much more resistant at being left awake in her cot. For the last few weeks I have been putting her down awake and letting her put herself to sleep. This was working remarkably well until recently. Now we get grizzles that escalate to a frustrated squeal and then an outright anger as she lets us know in no uncertain terms that she REALLY wants us. When she works herself up too much we go in and soothe her, but always putting her back awake.
I had some good news recently as my brother Dougal sms’d with news of his arrival on 6 June. We are all very keen to see him – his first visit to UK & of course first time to put those Uncle skills into use. I am looking forward to having someone else during the day to spend time with – and perhaps we can do a few touristy things together.


At 7:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.


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