Sunday, September 12, 2010

Time on the farm

We recently spent a few weeks on the farm. At calving time there is always lots of things for the kids to be excited about. Daily they walk down to the milking shed, watching the cows feeding on the cow pad. They marvelled that the cows were eating kiwifruit (just like us). But wondered how they took the stickers off?? Then on, over the bridge, to the calf shed where each day they could count the new calves (how many white faces, how many all black and how many black and white). Initially, although happy to go into the pen, they were hesitant to be sucked on by the calves, but eventually learnt to stick their fingers out. Alexa has grown in confidence around the calves - perhaps because she is a bit bigger now. Isobel, probably with the security of having Alexa with her, has always been a bit more confident around the calves. However, both girls are very very wary of the cows. They love watching them but the sheer size of them is too much, particularly for Isobel who doesn't even like being close with a fence in between. Returning home for lunch, then back out past the shed and down to the mailbox to get the mail and paper which arrives mid afternoon. All up I reckon they walked 3 kms a day. This meant that it was usually very easy to get them off to bed at 7pm, but did make the evening meal a bit difficult if energy levels were too low.


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