Watching the girls develop is fascinating as they are very different. Having Camryn has been challenging as my time with the older two is significantly reduced. I seem to spend the day either feeding and caring for Camryn or housekeeping. This means less time to play with the older two, who mostly occupy themselves well with the occasional fight or screaming match.
Alexa has morning kindy 5 times a week now which she loves - but she is not a chatty child and I very rarely hear much about what she did. My questions usually elicit a one word answer, maybe three at best. However I know she loves it and plays well with her friends. She has found the development of Isobel more of a challenge than the addition of Camryn. Isobel now competes with her at everything, but particularly verbally. So she finds she's constantly interrupted and it is hard getting out a full sentence, especially as she's not quick at putting her sentences together. She has been trying new strategies on me, trying to get me to change my decisions by either saying "a nice mummy would let me ..." or holding her hand up and saying "stop you are not listening to me". I have yet to get through to her that listening and agreeing are two different things. She is fascinated by scary things now and every night will request a monster song, or something scary and delights in the thrill of suspense. It is, however, challenging on my mental power late at night to come up with something original
and scary.
Isobel is very different - she is louder, more outgoing and energetic and more chatty. On a trip to Te Puke recently while Alexa will sit in the car for an hour looking out the window and being silent, Isobel on another occasion talked non stop for an hour - and I do mean non stop! I got a few questions, but most of the chat was to herself or singing. It was tiring just being in the car! I think she has developed some imaginary friends out of the need to have someone to talk to - and also as for the first time she is having to play by herself without Alexa who is off at Kindy. She is a rascal and hard work at times. She doesn't seem to listen, but goes about whatever she has decided to do. Talking louder or yelling doesn't get her attention, I oftern have to come down to her level and touch her to get her attention. Where Alexa is a negotiator and will discuss and end up coming to a compromise with things, Isobel holds her ground and demands her position. I can often receive an adamant and loud "no" as a response to my questions/direction e.g. Time to go now. Where Alexa will ask if she can get down from the table at dinner, Isobel will make the decision that she has finished and hop down with out asking.
What will Camryn be like I wonder?