Saturday, February 19, 2011

Summer at Omaha

For anyone wondering if Alexa has relaxed her reliance on her favourite bear - Pooh, you will see from this photo that this isn't the case. Both Alexa and Isobel have one each - and it is obvious to them who is who's (if not immediately obvious to us). I think Alexa has had maybe two nights without her Pooh bear, and he is her number one! Isobel on the other hand, I think, just copies Alexa in her reliance. She appears more relaxed and will often not take her Pooh bear to bed with her.

These two are doing well sharing a room and are best friends, most of the time. With Alexa starting school in 4 weeks and Isobel starting Kindy next week there are some big changes ahead and Isobel will really miss Alexa.


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