Thursday, February 24, 2011

Alexa is 5 (and Dougal a bit older!)

It was Alexa's birthday yesterday - the same day as Uncle Dougal. He spent his on night shift in Mali, Alexa spent most of hers shopping and spending time with Annie and Jojo. She loved all her gifts - the denim mini skirt an immediate hit and was promptly put on (see photo) but was later ousted for an Annie purchase (but Alexa choice) of a girly pink dress complete with pink petticoat underneath. What is it with girls and pink?!!! The next shot shows Alexa with Annie & Jojo gifts of pink dress, shoes and the mini vacuum. What a housewife! I think we can cancel Karen our cleaner.

I always give a lot of thought to the right birthday cake. Alexa has had a Pooh Bear, a Tiger and a Butterfly. This time she had requested a unicorn, which I contemplated but talking to Anne Sweeney she mentioned her girls wanting the Barbie for many years running and so I looked at this. A Christmas Barbie was stripped of clothes and legs to be placed atop the cake and I then iced the bodice and skirt. All done late Wednesday night (while David was home working!). Both girls loved it! Alexa enjoyed licking the iced bodice from the barbie before eating her slice of cake.

The day was not only special for Alexa. Isobel had her first day at Kindy, which she has been anticipating for many weeks since turning 3. It is a new kindy and she was very very excited by the idea of making her own friends. She had a great day painting, singing & playing in the large leafy covered playground outside. Half way through the time she told me I could leave which I immediately agreed to and returned to collect her (something which she has been watching me do with Alexa for 2 years now). She will now have Kindy 3 afternoons a week from 1 - 3:30.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Camryn's first birthday

Sunday saw us celebrating the first birthday of our littlest girl, Camryn. I insisted on a family shot with our girls - which unfort has not worked out too well in the bright sunlight. The two big girls watched in mock horror mixed with excitement as Camryn when presented with her cake immediately stuck her fingers into it and grabbed a handful. They loved that she was allowed to do this, unchecked.

Summer at Omaha

For anyone wondering if Alexa has relaxed her reliance on her favourite bear - Pooh, you will see from this photo that this isn't the case. Both Alexa and Isobel have one each - and it is obvious to them who is who's (if not immediately obvious to us). I think Alexa has had maybe two nights without her Pooh bear, and he is her number one! Isobel on the other hand, I think, just copies Alexa in her reliance. She appears more relaxed and will often not take her Pooh bear to bed with her.

These two are doing well sharing a room and are best friends, most of the time. With Alexa starting school in 4 weeks and Isobel starting Kindy next week there are some big changes ahead and Isobel will really miss Alexa.