Christmas Holidays - Omaha
We divided our holidays between Omaha (white sandy beach) and the farm. At Omaha Alexa loved going for swims in the sea. She was at first a bit afraid of the waves, but has become more used to them by the end and will spend ages 'jumping' over them with one leg. We were visited by Mark's friends the White's with their kids. Toby (6ish) and Charlie (3ish) were great with Alexa playing ring a rosy, letting her ride Charlie's bike, and then practising throwing the rugby ball. She loved the attention and really loved the bike (might be on the birthday list for her 2nd b'day).
David enjoyed the beach break as he was able to satisfy his desire for fishing and seafood by heading out most mornings to fish. One day it was so calm they were able to do a trip across the Hauraki gulf to Little Barrier where there was diving, fishing and a successful Crayfish capture - see pic above. This meant our New Year dinner involved crayfish and 2 dishes of fish. Mmmm nothing like fresh seafood!!!
We were visited by Kim and Mozko (a hungarian Veschler dog). Alexa thought Moz's cage was the perfect play pen, but then discovered Kim's tent!! She spents ages playing in both as I was treated to a relaxing reflexology session thanks to Kim.
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