Sunday, September 30, 2007

Pooh time

Time has flown and the chicken pox are a but a memory. It has left Alexa with a keen eye though and she will happily point out any new 'spots' that appear on Mum's face (gee thanks!).

We recently we shopping thanks to Great Granny and spoiled both ourselves and Alexa at Whitcoulls (a book store). We thought it would be great to see the reaction of Alexa at viewing an animated Pooh bear. She has so far not really been exposed to TV as we just don't seem to know when the good kiddies shows are on - the only one I've tried thus far is Baby Einstein. However she was quite keen to snuggle up next to Daddy on the mat with the blanket and watched in wide eyed amazement at Pooh Bear's Grand Adventures. It turned out to be a little bit scary in places which we decided to skip through, but mostly she loved it. Every time Pooh went off screen she kept saying "more, more". The top shots above show a pretty chuffed little girl.

Lisa (David's sister) has gifted us a chalkboard. Alexa loves drawing at the moment (mostly sticking to the paper and not walls). So we thought she'd love this idea of being able to draw, wipe it off and draw again. And she did - perhaps a future career as a Teacher??

Meanwhile the family is all well. David has this month been able to have a long weekend away with John and Norm to go fishing. He was off to the Tongariro river for 3 days catching some lovely trout which we have enjoyed - smoking some for later on.

I am very large now at 33 weeks (7 to go). The pregnancy this time has been a little harder on my body - but not surprising as I have a little girl to chase after 4 days of the week. I'm still at work 3 days and this will continue (all going well) until end October. Then I 'plan' like last time to have 2 weeks rest before the arrival of number two on or soon after D day 18 Nov. Nope we don't know what it will be, altho different family members have their guesses. I just hope it isn't anywhere near like the recent Siberian baby Nadia born at 7.75kg!!!


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