Chappy Zone
Welcome to David and his four girls - Kirsten, Alexa, Isobel & Camryn.
Friday, April 28, 2006
The 8 week milestone
I was always told that I will notice a huge difference in Alexa at 8 weeks and it seems this is true. She has decided she only needs one nightly feed and has begun a habit (this is the 8th day running) of going down at around 9pm, sleeping for 6 hours, awake at 3 or 4 for a good feed, then another good sleep for 3 hours waking around 7am as David is getting up for work. This is perfect timing as it gives David and I a chance to have dinner and catch up before I head to bed at 10 and get a good 5 hours sleep. It is remarkable the difference this makes and I am feeling refreshed each day.
We have had a busy week with a weigh-in on Monday to discover she’s tracking perfectly against her weight curve and is now 10pd & 10oz. It is amazing to me to think that some babies are born at this weight. We’ve also had her first Dr’s appointment & first immunisation – she is average height (56cm) and weight with a slightly large head (hmmm thanks Dad!). She has a good strong upper body and is able to hold her head up for periods of time – I put this down to her intense curiosity as she is constantly looking around, especially when in a new place.
Tuesday we attended Baby Yoga where we sat with about 10 other mum’s, sang songs and moved her limbs around, then did a few stretches ourselves. Alexa coped surprisingly well with all the activity and was wide eyed, staring at the other babies. I think she enjoys the singing although an hour was a bit much for her and she had fallen asleep in my arms by the end (perfect for the last 5 mins of relaxation!)
Just recently she has discovered her vocal chords for communication (no not just for wailing) and she is delighting us by making mewing and soft ahhhh noises in response to attention from us. Dad had a good session on Sunday with her responding to him with these lovely noises. It’s a wonderful addition to her gorgeous smile and makes her irresistible. Unfortunately she sometimes thinks that the middle of the night is the best time to show us her adorable smiles and begin communicating. It is very hard not to respond and encourage this midnight activity.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Farewell Granny Annie & JoJo
The last few weeks have felt like a holiday for me with 4 pairs of hands during the day to cuddle, clean & carry Alexa. During their stay we managed to pack in quite a few trips to Windsor, Borough Markets, Richmond, Wimbledon, Rye, Battersea Park, as well as frequent visits to Northcote Road. They have discovered that Alexa is a determined little girl who knows her own mind - once hungry she cannot be fobbed off with cuddles or jaunts in pram, sling or front pack. They will be sorely missed by all 3 of us.
Monday, April 17, 2006
A little pinenut
We have recently purchased a sling for Alexa. This enables me to carry her hands free which saves my back and allows me to do the odd chore around the house. It is more versatile than the front pack as it supports her neck and can be used as she grows to carry her on my hip. She loves it, as shown in the photo, and finds it very relaxing falling asleep to the movement of me walking. Anne thinks she looks like a little pinenut in it - so she has now adopted this as her nickname.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Grandparents Visit
Granny Annie & JoJo (David's parents) arrived a week ago and are staying for two weeks. This is their second grandchild and their first granddaughter. Every day Anne & John bundle our little girl into her pram and head off for big long walks around Clapham (see left), always stopping at a cafe for a much needed coffee top-up to feed Anne's addiction. In between these long excursions they spend most of the day cooing, talking, and singing to Alexa in return for smiles and the odd chuckle.
Monday, April 10, 2006
A smile was promised ... and delivered
Anne & John arrived early on Sunday and spent all day coaxing smiles out of Alexa. She has never been so animated. Here is proof that she does smile captured on Sunday - so at 6 weeks. Also attached is a shot during bathtime. She isn't totally convinced about baths yet, but I'm sure repetition will ensure she gets used to them.
The Jersey Collection
Earlier I remarked on the large number of shoes that Alexa is sporting as part of her extensive wardrobe. Well comment also has to be made to the equally large number of stunning knitted jersey's Alexa has. These have been lovingly handmade by Gran (Lynne), Granny Annie & Grandma (Kirsten's Grandma). When Alexa has to dress up she is immediately thrown into confusion as to what to wear - shown here are only 3 of the options but suffice to say it is not surprising the amount of time it takes to get ready to leave.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
The first six weeks is the hardest
Well that is what everyone keeps telling me, and that at 6 weeks miraculously you will turn a corner. I'm not exactly sure what is supposed to be around that corner but am looking forward to it.
At five weeks Alexa is getting bigger (8pds, 13 ozs), feeding stronger and sleeping much better than before. Her lungs are also growing stronger as evidenced by louder and more piercing screams. She still doesn't sleep quite as much as we'd like - getting on average 10 hours every 24, but this an improvement on the first 4 weeks. I think she is a spirited baby and is easily stimulated by what is going on around her - thus she finds it difficult to sleep during the day (unless lulled into a sleep by the pram) and much easier at night when she can't look around. This was recently put to the test on Sunday when Joanne and Simon visited midday. Alexa had been awake from 7am, and we were hoping she would go down, but the new faces were too interesting and she was still awake at 4pm when they left and boy was she grumpy. So while Jo cycled off & David went for an afternoon nap, I took a screaming Alexa for a brisk walk around Clapham Common using the sound of the traffic to soothe her.
This morning I took advantage of the NZ time differences to call home while feeding her. Gran (Lynne) was able to hear the contented gulps of the first few mouthfuls, than an hour later, and still feeding, Grandad (Hamish) was able to diagnose (over the phone) when the milk supply was running low. Grunts and squeals of frustration was assuaged by swapping breasts as suggested by Grandad, his 30 years experience milking cows paying off. "Well it's the same mechanism really isn't it?" commented Grandad. He seems to have more sound advice than the local midwives!
Alexa has just started grinning. She rewards me in the middle of the night when I go to pick her up with a big open mouthed smile, and an occasional gurgle. This makes up for having to get up at 1am, and again at 5, then 8. We have tried to capture this new look by photo, but to date it has remained illusive and refuses to come on demand. We'll keep on trying so stay tuned for this pic in the future.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Congratulations to the new Mr & Mrs Ward!
Here is a photo of our great friends Christine and Simon who recently wed at Mudbrick Vineyard/Restaurant on Waiheke Is. Unfortunately we couldn't make it back to NZ for this wonderful occasion - however notwithstanding our absence I am told it was still a spectacular wedding...
Simon, you are a very lucky man.
Christine, I am still not quite sure
Seriously though, here's wishing you a long happy life together, with love from David, Kirsten and Alexa.