Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A visit from a friend

Carly and Alexa love catching up with each other. Carly lives in Wellington and we visited earlier this year. This photo was from their most recent visit north in December. They play so well together creating make believe stories - looking after their babies, shopping, looking after animals at the animal hospital.

Farewell to Grazyna

Today we had a leaving party for Grazyna who has been the girls' nanny for a year. She has been part of their lives for a minimum of 3 days every week since Jan of this year. They will really miss her!

We had a lovely leaving do with fairy bread, twisties, sausage and bread, salad and Christmas mallowpuffs - guess who decided on the menu! : )
Guess who insisted on there being some salad too!!

Our girls

I chose this picture as it shows our two girls in December 09. My first thought when I saw it was how much Alexa looks like me!

Isobel's 2nd birthdayci

Our quiet, calm, relaxed little baby has turned two and turned into a vivacious, precocious, loud, determined little girl! Isobel is dynamite! She is so much fun to watch as she tries to match herself and her abilities to big sis!

Here she is - the birthday princess.

We had a lovely day with Great Granny (CS) and Grandpa & Jenny (Parsons) joining us along with grandparents, Lisa, Ethan & Jamie, my brother Jamie & Tash.

Advent calendar

This year Gran made the girls a wonderful advent calendar with little pockets for each gift. She bought some small gifts with the idea that this would be better than choccies. Sounds good but it has meant the purchase of 24 'little' gifts in the lead up to Xmas! They have been very good about it though and it has reinforced the idea of taking turns as each girl gets an alternate day.