Sunday, January 28, 2007

Us at Takapuna beach

This photo taken by Libby.

At 11 months

It’s been a fair while since the last update, without photos to upload (technical difficulties) I find it hard to get motivated. However I thought I better put something down to let you know what we are up to.

David is working very hard trying to get renovations done on our house prior to his return to work end of Feb. This involves project managing the trades folk, traipsing around town finding out about all sorts of products, searching for the best value items, knocking out wardrobes/bathrooms, painting and general cleaning. We are not doing that much to the house, but it is surprising what you have to do and decisions you have to make.

In the meantime (and when I’m not doing some of the above with D) I have been organising and making decisions on our upcoming wedding, doing some of the admin tasks, and organising Alexa’s life. I quite enjoy the fact that the local Foodtown has a Sierra coffee within it which makes the trip to get some food much more enjoyable.

Alexa is spending a fair amount of time with Anne (David’s mum). She adores Anne and I can often can hear them giggling away. Her most frequent sentence is Ann nan nan nan rather than Mum mum mum or dad dada dad. We think this is due to a lot of encouragement from Anne.

She now has 4 front teeth. These came through in the space of a week just after New Year and she did surprisingly well with only two nights of real grizzling and the need for medication. She is crawling all over the place and just this week has begun to stand by hauling herself up and holding on. She is negotiating stairs well, altho hasn't yet learnt the dangers of going down forwards and will insist on flinging herself down to be caught by mum to lots of giggles.

I have been trying some basic sign language with her which she is learning slowly – although is not yet applying it correctly. She knows the sign for finished (ie at the end of a meal) and will make it if you say the word, however she will often sign it mid-meal and I’m sure she is not saying she is full.

Hope to have some photos for next blog.